Ruth Awad’s “How to Lucid Dream” from Honey Literary
Steven Espada Dawson’s “Search Party” from Guernica
Diamond Forde’s “Southern Fried Catfish” from Bellingham Review
Tyler King’s “Greek Theater” from The Margins
Stefanie Kirby’s “Self-Erosion” from River Mouth Review
Jennifer Martelli’s “American Dream” from Under a Warm Green Linden
James McDermott’s “James” from The Cardiff Review
Sihle Ntuli’s “Blues for King Kong” from Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
Sodïq Oyèkànmí’s “self-portrait as a boy languaging through fragmental spaces” from Longleaf Review
Vivian Faith Prescott’s “Seawall” from The Dodge
Claire Rychlewski’s “Wifetime Visions” from The Broadkill Review