Finalists 2024


Ally Ang’s “Autoerotic Abecedarian” from Bellingham Review
Kay Bell’s “Girl” from BigCityLit
Mary Elizabeth Birnbaum’s “Quarry” from Empty House Press
Tina Cane’s “Towards a Father / Land Acknowledgment Statement” from Under a Warm Green Linden
Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach’s “Week 33: Pineapple” from The Account
Heather L. Davis’ “The Pale Pink Ceramic Mug for Instance” from Quartet
Farnaz Fatemi’s “Ground” from Tab Journal
Anne-Marie Glasheen’s “Leakage” from TOWER
Aimee Herman’s “procedure in three parts” from Rough Cut Press
Heidi Kasa’s “Love Poems Are Changelings” from The Quilled Ink Review, Ode to Love
Maurya Kerr’s “My black” from Inverted Syntax
Karen An-hwei Lee’s “THE QUIET COUNSEL OF PEARS” from Poetry Northwest
Hillary Leftwich’s “Scarecrow” from Harbor Review
Megan Merchant’s “To prick a song from a dead bird” from Rise Up Review
Cecil Morris’ “after our daughter passes, we go camping” from Neologism Poetry Journal
Ehi-kowoicho Ogwiji’s “packrat” from Waccamaw
Gaia Rajan’s “Intuition” from Ran Off With the Star Bassoon
Michael Riedell’s “Porters” from Right Hand Pointing
Georgio Russell’s “Relic” from Surging Tide Magazine
Eli Shaw’s “Top Surgery” from Screen Door Review
Saranya Subramanian’s “Navratri on the Muni” from The Bombay Literary Magazine
Yuko Taniguchi’s “Two Views (After Tsunami)” from Ecotone
Myles Taylor’s “Unskilled Labor” from Posit Journal
Mimi Tempestt’s “basquiat’s revenge” from The Ex-Puritan
Christian Ward’s “On Nature” from The Winged Moon
Mimi Yang’s “Dinner Sonnet” from Chestnut Review
Eric Yip’s “雪 / Snow” from Diode Poetry Journal


Skye Anicca’s “Games for Heartland Girls, 1984” from Anti-Heroin Chic
Lindy Biller’s “In the First Draft, The Baby Dies” from SmokeLong Quarterly
Amber Blaeser-Wardzala’s “Costumes” from CRAFT
Nadia Born’s “Mother Tongue” from Hayden’s Ferry Review
Avery Briar’s “Beautiful Meanings in Beautiful Things” from beestung
Bethany Browning’s “How I Cured My Depression” from Reckon Review
Jayson Carcione’s “I Love You, Mrs. Tresca” from The Forge Literary Magazine
Christian Emmanuel Castaing’s “Pilgrim Pleasure Principles” from the museum of americana
Brennig Davies’ “Arm Wrestle” from The Cardiff Review
Eun Jung Decker’s “A Repetition of Longing” from ANMLY
Aisling Ní Choibheanaigh Nic Eoin’s “Weathering” from TOWER
RK Fauth’s “A Fever Dream In Which I Am Eve, Exiting” from NonBinary Review
Lisa Ferranti’s “Many Moons” from RUBY
Tracy Miller Geary’s “Addled” from Revolute
Erin Gravley’s “All This Will Be Underwater” from The Rumpus
Sam Khaikin’s “Welcome to Venus” from Pithead Chapel
Phoebe Kranefuss’s “Don’t Touch Me I’m Prickly” from The Rejoinder
Alec Evan March’s “casualties” from Chaotic Merge
Anna-Claire McGrath’s “Rats: A Love Story” from New Delta Review
Samir Sirk Morató’s “Girlish Duties” from Carmen et Error
Richie Narvaez’s “Moll (After Kincaid)” from The Disappointed Housewife
Gillian Perry’s “Somatics” from Cleaver Magazine
Nicholas Petty’s “MR TANAKA NEEDS SOME REST” from The Forge Literary Magazine
Reema Rao-Patel’s “We Americans” from Flash Frog
Dave V. Riser’s “Triage” from The Arkansas International
J.C. Rodriguez’s “Six Notes on Red & a Red Note on Six” from Barrelhouse Magazine
Andreas Trolf’s “75 Simple Steps to Positive, Growing Change” from The Florida Review
Sonya Vatomsky’s “Here Are the Ones That Went” from ANMLY
Jacqueline Xiong’s “10 Years Later, Breaking Up While Listening to Leslie Cheung” from Surging Tide Magazine
Hanwen Zhang’s “The Neighbors” from Halfway Down the Stairs


Sarah Aziza’s “I Make Myself a Channel” from The Margins
A. Brown’s “Cleo and the Queen” from Honey Literary
Annia Ciezadlo’s “Because of the Droughts” from Adi Magazine
Kimberly Elkins “The Game for Winners” from The Cincinnati Review
Amelia Akiko Frank’s “Everything Everywhere All at Once (dir. Daniels, 2022)” from wig-wag
Vive Griffith’s “My Students’ Future Lives” from The Missouri Review
K Ho’s “Lines” from So to Speak
Jasmyn Huff’s “An Open Wound” from X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine
Rochelle Hurt’s “Quipo Womb (The Story of the Red Thread in Athens)” from The Adroit Journal
noam keim’s “Thinking about na3na3” from ALOCASIA
Manasi Nene’s “Pedalling Uphill” from Liminal Transit Review
Jeannine Ouellette’s “The Cost” from The Ilanot Review
Laura Rubenstein’s “Here Lies the Body” from Southeast Review
Julie Marie Wade’s “The Plague of Flies” from Phoebe


Karyna Aslanova’s “Economy” from The Ilanot Review
Harry Bauld’s “The Rain It Raineth Every Day” from Split Rock Review
Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier’s “Bird Calls” from Hayden’s Ferry Review
Parag Borse’s “Combs & Senility Pastels 28″x30” from The Wise Owl (Jade Edition)
Brendan Bray’s “Dive” from Beaver Magazine
Kathy Bruce’s “Untitled” from Haus-a-rest
Michael Campbell’s “Mothers of Mercy” from Cream Scene Carnival
Camryn Casey’s “Edible Sun” from 128 LIT
Camryn Casey’s “Melatonin” from 128 LIT
Nathan Cho’s “Mirrored Glare” from Tint Journal
Minhee Chung’s “An Ocean Wide” from Santa Clara Review
Tyler Cohen’s “Semantic Shift” from MUTHA Magazine
Rachel Coyne’s “Untitled” from Kitchen Table Quarterly
jessi eoin’s “unexpected joy” from just femme & dandy
Catherine-Esther Cowi’s “Heirloom” from Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
Johnny Damm’s Excerpt from”I’m a Cop” from ANMLY
Martins Deep’s “Untitled” from Radon Journal
James Diaz’s “I HAVE A MOTHER LIKE THAT TOO” from The Dawn Review
Darren Donate’s “CODEX” from COMP: an interdisciplinary journal
Arnold Fokam’s “Essence of Life” from West Trade Review
Daniel Kent Foley’s “Preservatoin vs. Retention” from Split Lip Magazine
Peyton Fultz’s “Liminal” from Phoebe
Helen Gwyn Jones’s “The Poisoner” from Acropolis Journal
Megan Joubert’s “Leggy Lady of Leisure” from fifth wheel press
Amy Lynne Hill’s Cover Art (Issue 13) from Screen Door Review
Anastasia Hiorns’ “Untitled 2” from ANMLY
Jacqueline Huskisson’s “Playroom” from long con magazine
Caylin Jayde’s “Self Portrait in Spring” from Sixth Finch
Jezzelle Kellam’s “Reverence For My Cell” from Jet Fuel Review
Koss’ “Love Letter to Queers Who Suicided.” from Sage Cigarettes Magazine
Janis Ledwell-Hunt’s “UNTITLED – BUG” from Flapper Press
Nora de Mariaffi’s “Eden” from orangepeel literary magazine
Laura Marker’s “Witness” from Metachrosis Literary
Aiyana Masla’s “July Pelvis” from West Trestle Review
Tajla Medeiros’s “The Last Bird” from Raw Lit Mag
Judy Moore’s “Everything Is Somewhat Repaired: Images That Reflect Yourself” from The Offing
Dimeji Onafuwa’s “Introspection (Ironu)” from North Carolina Literary Review
Taban Peter Pal’s “Untitled” from The Wise Owl (Pine Edition)
Bethann Parker’s “Ship Out to Sea” from
Erin Bryant Petty’s “Knowledge” from The Icarus Writing Collective
Theresa Pisani’s “A Summer Night at the Palace” from Split Lip Magazine
Jan Price’s “Forgiving” from Eastern Iowa Review
Kathleen Radigan’s “The Cloud” from Shenandoah
John Robinson’s “Self-Portrait Machine 1” from Sixth Finch
Nichola Rodgers’ “‘Wish Thee wurr err'” from Haus-a-rest
Carolyn Supinka’s “The Ocean Floor” from Ecotone
Luke Sutherland’s “Untitled” from ANMLY
Irina Tall’s “Untitled 4” from The Selkie Publications
Regina Valmadrid and Em Violet’s “In Reverie” from the borderline
Chris Vaughan’s “Prospero’s Nephew’s Notebook (Page 1)” from Big Other
Richard Vyse’s “Mindscape #6” from Mud Season Review
Caitlin Walton’s “Rest” from Crab Apple Literary
