sterling-elizabeth arcadia’s “girls against god”
Yasmine Bolden’s “What I Wished For the Summer // Of Jazz Heavens: A Contrapuntal Poem”
Stephanie Chang’s “Lotus Flower Kingdom”
Cathy Linh Che’s “Zombie Apocalypse Now: Survival”
grace (ge) gilbert’s “my light is chaotic”
torrin a. greathouse’s “Still Life of Central Valley with Fog Cannons”
Shakiba Hashemi’s “Reconciliation”
Esther Lin’s “Season of Cherries”
Chantel Massey’s “Hard Times Require Furious Laughter”
Kimberly Nguyễn’s “on being chị hai (verse 2)”
Cindy Jimenez Vera’s “END TIMES” / “LOS ÚLTIMOS TIEMPOS” (translation by Guillermo Rebollo Gil)
Cintia Santana’s “the sentinel speaks to me on the post-apocalyptic dance floor”
Veronica Silva’s “Etymology of Latin American Nursery Rhymes”
Makshya Tolbert’s “We Walk Toward Day Nine or Not”