*K.B. Carle’s “Abernathy_Resume.docx” from Porcupine Literary
K-Ming Chang’s “Bittermelon face / 蝆歩蓗” from Wildness
K-Ming Chang’s “Eating Pussy” from New Delta Review
K-Ming Chang’s “Extinction” from Jellyfish Review
K-Ming Chang’s “Keeper” from Exposition Review
*K-Ming Chang’s “Transcendence” from Los Angeles Review
*K-Ming Chang’s “Vengeance” from SmokeLong Quarterly
Noa Covo’s “Hunger” from Jellyfish Review
Shideh Etaat’s “Mothers and Sisters” from Nowruz Journal
Leah Gallant’s “Sunrise Alarm” from Hypocrite Reader
Warren Glynn’s “Diremption” from New Delta Review
Mary Liza Hartong’s “Silent Night” from The Lascaux Review
Brooke Kolcow’s “Little Crimes” from HAD
*Juliana Lamy’s “Mermaids!” from Split Lip Magazine
*Claire Luchette’s “Upper Extremity” from Granta
Evelyn Maguire’s “Mountain Pose” from North American Review
Claire O’Connor’s “Home From the Wars” from Baltimore Review
*Kanyinsola Olorunnisola’s “Some Things Are Most Beautiful in the Dark” from Bakwa Magazine
Laura Perkins’s “Wanted: Girls, 18–25 yrs, 5’7″ & Up” from failbetter
Leigh Camacho Rourks’ “But First, the Manatees” from COMP: an interdisciplinary journal
Jasmine Sawers’ “Heart’s Blood” from Barren Magazine
Caity Scott’s “Reddit: Am I the Asshole?” from The Disappointed Housewife
Denise Tolan’s “Sell You, Sell Me” from Atlas and Alice Literary Magazine
Cathy Ulrich’s “All the Stars We Contain” from Jet Fuel Review
Jemimah Wei’s “Alexa” from Pidgeonholes
Bessie Flores Zaldívar’s “Brazos En Alto” from Wildness
Maria Zoccola’s “We Hold Our Treasures, We Bury Them” from Baltimore Review
*Emily Altman “The Hungry” from Exposition Review
Ann-Marie Brown “Plums” from Club Plum Literary Journal
Adrienne Brown-David “Fly” from Split Lip Magazine
Sena Chang “family dinner” from the winnow magazine
*Deedee Cheriel “Dark Night Soliloquy” from Jet Fuel Review
*Martins Deep “Femme” from Black Cat Magazine
Caroline Dinh “Canvas” from Honey Literary
Jae Green “Morning” from Awakened Voices
L.A. Hawbaker “MASKS Literary Magazine Illustrations” from MASKS Literary Magazine
Kandace James “Portrait of Uncharted Territory” from Quarterly West
Emily Liu “Origin” from the winnow magazine
Issy Manley “How Things Are Done” from The Seventh Wave
Sofia Musa “Eden” from The Lumiere Review
*Paul Negri “Envy” from The Lumiere Review
Komikka Patton “Gatekeepers Series” from OyeDrum
Jamaal Peterman “from Grunch in Bed” from The Boiler
Arati Reddy-Devlin “i3EMS-98 Skin Deep” from Prometheus Dreaming
Linds Sanders “Exit the Echo Chamber” from 3Elements Review
Alessandro Tomassetti “Boys Don’t Cry, 2020” from PoetsArtists
*Kieran Valde “Young Sick Bacchus” from long con magazine
Grace Wagner “There is No Beauty in the Finest Cloth” from The Adroit Journal
Arin Yoon “Don’t Erase My History and Don’t Sell My Picture: A Photo Essay on the Ongoing Struggle of Korea’s ‘Comfort Women’” from Wrath-Bearing Tree
*Will Yu “Mirror of the Heart” from Sepia Journal
*Caroline Zhang “East to West” from The Adroit Journal
*Marta Zubieta “LSD #1” from Winning WritersMarta Zubieta “LSD #2” from Winning Writers
Victoria Blanco’s “Border Funeral” from Kenyon Review
Lu Chekowsky’s “How Sex Work Prepared Me For a Career In Advertising” from Pigeon Pages
Sandie Cheng’s “What My Coworkers Don’t Understand” from Coffin Bell
*Franny Choi’s “Racism Is a Reboot: Binging BATTLESTAR GALACTICA at the End of a World” from The Rumpus
Chelsey Clammer’s “Paddling” from Oyster River Pages
Emily Clarke’s “Language of Loss” from The Roadrunner Review
*S. Ferdowsi’s “Albaloo” from Gordon Square Review
Diane Goettel’s “Climatology” from Full Bleed
Amanda Hiber’s “To Digest” from Southeast Review
*Rochelle Hurt’s “Soul to Keep” from Booth
Katie Karnehm-Esh’s “South Rim, March” from Whale Road Review
Beth Kephart’s “On the One Side. On the Other.” from Nurture
Alizeh Kohari’s “Asphalt Flowers” from Adi Magazine
Amy-Jean Muller’s “There should be a word” from Close To The Bone
Zainab A. Omaki’s “An Immigrant’s Checklist” from Passages North
*Miyako Pleines’ “Searching for My Grandmother in The Heart Mountain Sentinel” from Ploughshares
Kiyoko Reidy’s “My Mother as Cicada” from trampset
Kimberly Rooney’s “Names | 姓名” from Chestnut Review
*Legacy Russell’s “Roses” from Granta
Ross Showalter’s “The Shroud” from Alien Magazine
Stephen Foster Smith’s “Molasses Men Dance Wildly Under Flamingo Suns” from 805 Lit + Art
Tamie Parker Song’s “The Fifth Direction” from Terrain.org
Alison Stine’s “Red Water” from Kenyon Review
Aliceanna Stopher’s “Creation Myths” from Split Lip Magazine
Suiyi Tang’s “Yellow Girls & The Deafening Silence” from Apogee
*Yuko Taniguchi’s “Running Through” from Touchstone Literary Magazine
Lauren Turner’s “During the Confessional Act, the Field Will Appear Very Still” from Minola Review
Akhim Alexis’ “What My Mother Means When She Says Coonwah” from Gordon Square Review
*Hari Alluri’s “Clarification Card: The Spiral (“The cigarette is pretext: smoke rises from within”)” from Split This Rock
Ashanti Anderson’s “Slave Ship Haibun” from Jet Fuel Review
E. Kristin Anderson’s “The Neighbors Say” from The Deaf Poets Society (TDPS)
Ray Ball’s “Field Guide to Distinguishing Red Objects” from Orange Blossom Review
*Jai Hamid Bashir’s “Here, The Wolves” from Pithead Chapel
*Samiya Bashir’s “HOW NOT TO STAY UNSHOT IN THE U.S.A.” from Ecotone Magazine
Scott Beal’s “Love Poem that Becomes the Wikipedia Entry for Ambrosia Beetle” from The Rupture
Cristi Donoso Best’s “Quiteña Etymologies” from PANK Magazine
Julia Blike’s “if i hate spiders then i hate myself” from Horse Egg Literary
Kristy Brown’s “The Plague Letters” from MASKS Literary Magazine
Janine Certo’s “When I Contemplate My Existence” from The Ilanot Review
MICHAEL CHANG’s “Person of Interest” from Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
MRB Chelko’s “Love Poem” from Thrush Poetry Journal
*Kai Coggin’s “A Baptism Reflecting the Celestial” from Lavender Review
Molly Davidson’s “By Hand” from Nurture
Jose Hernandez Diaz’s “The Ollie” from Porter House Review
*Darren Donate’s “BRAZO” from DIALOGIST
CD Eskilson’s “Update on HIM from Powerpuff Girls” from The Hellebore Press
*Shangyang Fang’s “Declaration Form, U.S. Border” from TriQuarterly
Camille Ferguson’s “body aches, nutella crepes, fat-shame & capitalism” from The Lumiere Review
Daisy Fried’s “Temper” from The Summerset Review
Charlotte Friedman’s “Alams for Cleaning Out the Painter’s House” from Waterwheel Review
*Alexis Aceves Garcia’s “I’M TIRED OF WORKING FOR ECCENTRIC WHITE MEN” from Apogee Journal
Robin Gow’s “Mom Paints Her Daughter’s Nails” from River Mouth Review
*Destiny Hemphill’s “we ask mama-n-em, ‘where is the motherworld?'” from Split This Rock
*Noor Hindi’s “Against Death” from TriQuarterly
Matt Hohner’s “How to plan for peace talks” from Fahmidan Journal
Lituo Huang’s “LEFTOVERS” from Middle House Review
Patrycja Humienik’s “my mama & i don’t talk about” from Sundog Lit
Yalie Kamara’s “Besaydoo” from The Adroit Journal
*Eddie Kim’s “김장” from Heavy Feather Review
Eunice Kim’s “Postmortem for Chaos Theory” from Anomaly
*Sarah Lao’s “Ponyo (2008) Dreams in Tectonic Scales” from Split Lip Magazine
Lance Larsen’s “Everything Is a Prayer to Something” from The Baltimore Review
Julia B. Levine’s “Cache Creek Bridge at Flood Stage” from Blackbird: an online journal of literature & the arts
*Lauren Licona’s “the first creation story i ever heard” from Muzzle Magazine
C.L. Liedekev’s “November Snow, Philadelphia Children’s Hospital” from Red Fez Magazine
Zach Linge’s “For Tiffany From Intro to Philosophy Or Was It Step Team” from New Orleans Review
Fareh Malik’s “After 9/11 the War Spilled Into Our Hometowns & Made Us Grow up Too Fast & My Homie’s Sister Don’t Wear Her Hijab No More” from Lucky Jefferson
*Nate Marshall’s “slave grammar” from Kenyon Review
*Adrian Matejka’s “BULLET PARTS” from Four Way Review
Meep Matsushima’s “One Hundred Views of Tokyo” from Second Chance Lit
*Demree McGhee’s “Calling My Mothers In the Apocalypse” from Poetry.onl
Emmy Newman’s “Every Cruise Ship Has A Morgue” from Oyster River Pages
*Hieu Minh Nguyen’s “Portrait with Self-Portrait” from The Missouri Review
Bevin O’Connor’s “Dear knowhow” from Afternoon Visitor
Cynthia Dewi Oka’s “That’s What She Said” from The Rumpus
*Gaia Rajan’s “Ascent” from SWWIM Every Day
M. Lopes da Silva’s “The Ballad of Existing in Santa Monica” from The Commuter
Dorsía Smith Silva’s “Cyclone #9” from The Hopper
Hannah Silverstein’s “Hansel and Gretel” from LEON Literary Review
*SJ Sindu’s “Dominant Genes” from Honey Literary
Natalie Solmer’s “Girl of Water, I Could Swallow a Garden” from EcoTheo Review
Essy Stone’s “Norris Lake” from The Southeast Review
*Jaz Sufi’s “When My Classmates Ask Me If My Father Took Down the Towers” from The Southeast Review
Jonny Teklit’s “Walter Scott Visits Jacob Blake in the Hospital and They Spend the Whole Night Hugging” from Glass: A Journal of Poetry
Khalin Vasquez’s “Bl(ack)eached” from PANK Magazine
Anna Veprinska’s “Kernel” from The Temz Review
Dženana Vucic’s “First Year After War” from Peach Mag
Skye Wilson’s “Offerings” from Full House Literary Magazine
Justin D. Wright’s “The Cookout (and All Other Manners of Heavenly Black Things)” from SAPIENS
*Selected for inclusion.